Friday, September 28, 2007

Just Talking Out Loud

Well since I now spend all my days with two little ones and little adult conversation, I thought I would just let out some things that have been on my mind. For starters, I've really been thinking a lot about my brother, Michael. I miss him so very much and so sad that he won't know my kids. He would of been such a great uncle. He's always loved kids and really dreamed of having a family. I'm so sad that he never got to experience the joy of holding his own little one. He's been showing up a lot in my dreams and sometimes my mom and I have the same dream about him. I feel like God is letting him say hi to us. I pray that I never stop having those dreams even though I wake up in the morning really missing him and a little sad that it was only a dream. Michael was the type to make sure everyone was ok. It doesn't surprise me that he is trying to tell me that he is in a good place. Anyway on to other things. I hate to complain because I know that there are so many other people out there far worse than me but this week was really stressful. I got a breast infection on one side then two days later got it on the other. It's so hard to be patient and loving to both kids when you're exhausted but even worse when you feel like you have the worse flu of your life. To top it off, Charlie does have reflux. We weren't sure for a couple of weeks because he doesn't spit up much but after this week I finally talked to the doctor about it and he confirmed that it was indeed reflux. Instead of spitting up, acid just sits in the back of his throat so he screams every time I try to feed him. The last couple of days I've been feeding him in a different position which is helping but very uncomfortable and I don't know how I will feed him this way anywhere else but home. And the little fart won't take a bottle so I'm stuck at home. On the other hand, Abby's been a real trooper. Poor thing she watches TV from the time she gets up till she goes to bed. I guess I'm lucky that she will do that. We did go get her birthday present early and went ahead and gave it to her. It's a kitchen and she loves it. We have more fun playing with it with her. She's also such a little mommy. She really tries to comfort Charlie when he's crying. Anyway, I'll stop complaining. I'm hoping to feel better over the weekend so I can get out of this house. I do need to take more pics of the little ones and will post some soon. And I saved the best for last, my sister, Cayce, had her baby boy yesterday and baby and mom are doing great. He is beautiful, of course and I can't wait to meet my new nephew. I'm glad that him and Charlie will be close in age.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Abby and Charlie

Well the first meeting of Abby and Charlie went fairly well. The look on Abby's face was priceless when she saw him. She won't touch or hardly look at him at first but by the next day she won't leave him alone. It's been that way ever since. Every time she's sees him, she has to announce it by pointing and saying, "baby" over and over. It was only cute the first couple of days. I've really had to watch her because she already thinks she's helping when she throws a blanket over his face to cover him up. She's constantly running over to the bassinet and shaking it. I've also found her pulling on the blanket he's wrapped up in to try to bring him closer to her. Thank goodness she is so short and can't climb in with him. She is very sweet though. She's always kissing him and giving him little pats on the head. He's going to have to toughen up in a hurry. Other than that, things are going pretty good. Charlie has had his days and nights mixed up but we're working on that. He's been great with feedings and sometimes even goes 4 hours in between. At first we thought that he might have some reflux, like Abby, but that seems to be getting better. We know enough tricks to fix that. I'd forgotten how hard it is to get up and down all night long. It really gives your body a beating after awhile. I do think it's easier this time around because I know it won't last forever. Chaz goes back to work next week and I think I may cry that whole day. He's been such a great help and encourages me all day. Abby and him have spent so much time together lately and I know that she's really going to miss that during the day. I hope things go well. Chaz has left me a couple of times to go do things and everything seemed to fall apart while he was gone. But I'm feeling better about things. I just have to make it till he gets home. Thank goodness for Seame Street to keep Abby happy for one hour! It's the other 8 hours that worry me.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Charles Kilmer Railsback

Well, Charlie is finally here! The story goes, Monday Chaz and I went to the hospital to be induced. We got there and I fully expected to be at least a 3 cm of dilation and that the labor won't be very long. But when the doctor went to check me we discovered that Charlie was now breech and I was completely closed. I don't know what was harder to hear because on Friday he had checked me and I was at a 2.5 and Charlie was head down. Now we were talking about either turning him or doing a c-section. We decided to try turning him and was successful at doing that, which was more painful than I thought it would be. After the doctor broke my water, I started having good strong contractions. At first my labor was very slow and I stayed at a 4 forever, but once I got to a 5 things started happening almost to fast. I went from a 5 to an 8 in 30 min. and then started pushing soon after that. I had 3-4 contractions and Charlie came in 9 mins. The doctor barley had time to set up. Charlie weighed 7.7 pounds and was 20.5 inches long. He is so long a skinny, not like his sister who was short and fat. It was amazing to finally get to see our little man. He is so wonderful and everything I thought he would be. He's a fantastic eater and last night slept great. Chaz and I are both so overcome with gratitude to God for giving us another wonderful blessing. Abby has been at my mom's and we can't wait to introduce them tomorrow. I was sad that my mom and Abby couldn't be here this week but it's turned out to be such a blessing to have this quiet time alone with Charlie before Abby is here to try to steal the show. I'll keep everyone posted on how the first intro. goes. It should be interesting when she discovers that Charlie isn't going anywhere.